Why I Love Creating Handmade Essential Oil Blends


I intended to post this video last week, but...ya know...there are more important things in life, for me, at least. No real pun to those who prioritize social media posts for business reasons. I don't know how ya can do it, but I respect it. ✌🏻😂

*Some of our videos contain Affiliate Links. You get the same great price on products, while helping support our Family and Home Wellness Project. Thank you so much!

Truth is, I felt SO many good feelings putting together these very carefully thought out handcrafted essential oil blends for a vendor sale, such that I had to record it.

I like to experiment with all things and this is one of my current "Me Time" things to do. I put my baby down for her nap, take a hot then cold shower, use my facial mint scrub, turn my music on, take my drink of water with a drop of Digize + Lemon + Longevity Vitality oils. Then I diffuse Sage or Lavender EO and off I go into a trip of heavenly scents and zen.

I can't quite express all these feelings that I get when I'm around essential oils, which is also part of the reason why I didn't post earlier. Then, I saw another oily friend's Instagram post and it explains it in more scientific terms, which certainly makes it so much easier, I had to add it to my own.

Here's what she wrote:

@naturallivingreallife A friend was over this weekend, smelling my oils. We chuckled together about some of the names of the “emotional” oils. And I get it, they can seem hokey. But I also know that emotions are stored in the body, as is trauma.

When you inhale a scent, the molecules travel through the nostrils to the olfactory areas which then transmits to other parts of the brain like the amygdala (where emotional memories are stored) and other parts of the Limbic system. Because the limbic system is directly connected to the parts of the brain that control heart rate, memory, stress levels and more, essential oils can have a profound physiological and psychological effect.

The sense of smell is the only one of the five senses directly linked to the limbic lobe of the brain, the emotional control center.

All of that to say...yes some of these blend names can give me a chuckle, but they really do have an impact on emotions and feelings. (Source: essential oils desk reference, sixth edition)

Direct Product Links:

These products listed can all be purchased at retail costs. However, if you decide you'd like to begin your journey using essential oils, I recommend signing up for a Young Living Premium Starter Kit. This is how I started my wellness journey. The big benefit is you will receive a 24% discount on purchase.

Just be sure to include our Enroller and Sponsor ID (18900107) upon checkout, so that you're on my team for continued education and support on your wellness journey.

Enjoy the rest of your day y'all!

God Bless!

XOXO, Stells


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